
Doctor in Arts and Humanities (University of Cadiz), Member of research group of Historia Actual of the University of Cadiz (GEHA-HUM315), Professor of Saxophone (Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid), and Teacher of English as Foreign Language (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). He works as a saxophone and organology teacher at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música "Manuel de Falla" de Cadiz (Spain). His current projects are focused on some woodwinds and, particularly, brasswinds instruments of the nineteenth century in multidisciplinary perspectives: historical, legal, economic, cultural, and technical. He directed an acclaimed audiovisual documentary SaxRevolutions: Adolphe Sax's life, leads a publishing project which aims to contextualize and bring the forgotten saxophone scores of the 19th century to light, and he is also the author of Elise Hall, the Saxophone Lady and The Battle for Control of the Brass and Instruments Business in the French Industrial Revolution (Oxford University Press, Autumn 2024)